Friday 21 August 2015

ECCCG's Strategic Priorities

17th August 2015- 21st August 2015

This week at the CCG I have been involved in a number of new projects.

A particularly interesting task I am doing at the moment is assisting the Transformation/Caring Together team in determining the CCG’s Strategic Priorities for 2016/17. In order to do this, I am conducting an evidence search of our current priorities such as the CCG’s 5 Year Strategic plan  and how we are performing against these in order to see whether we will continue to include these as priorities for the following two years. I did this using JSNA (Joint Strategic Needs Assessment) data which was extremely interesting to look at as it includes important health statistics for the Eastern Cheshire population and our performance in comparison to the rest of England. I also used  relatively complex Quality Performance data to decide upon the key points we will need to focus on.

As well as this, I have been looking at a process termed Outcome Based Commissioning.  
This is a way of paying for health care and services based on outcomes that are important to the people using them whereas traditional commissioning focuses on organisational performance and processes such as the number of attendances, operations and procedures. There is a strong case for Outcome Based Commissioning and in order for ECCCG to implement this type of commissioning successfully in the future, firstly extensive research must be undertaken to see how viable it would be. I am responsible for conducting research on whether it is has been successful in other CCGs, if so how they made it successful and defining a sample process for implementing it. 

I have also been further introduced to how the CCG draws up contracts with providers which I am becoming slightly more familiar with! My third week has gone by extremely quickly again and I feel I am definitely gaining more of an understanding how a CCG works!

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